ABA's Intellectual Property Law Section- More Than Meets the Eye!
The American Bar Association's Intellectual Property Law Section, or the ABA-IPL, for short, is a professional association that greatly affects the entertainment law industry. The ABA-IPL Section hosts various webinars and teleconferences for lawyers in the industry in order to educate them on current trends or skills that they may need within the field. For example, some upcoming webinars include "IPad for litigators," "Music Licensing in a Digital World: Sound Recordings, Songs, and More," and "Cyber Threats and Network Security: Countermeasures Keeping Your Intellectual Property & Secrets Safe." It is important for attorneys, since the law is ever-changing, to be able to grow and evolve along with technology and the law itself.
The ABA-IPL Section is also very involved in legal advocacy. They often file Amicus briefs or Comments to cases to support various legal positions in landmark intellectual property law cases. The ABA-ILP Section's amicus briefs and comments greatly affect the industry, as they are used to help persuade Justices in making opinions on landmark cases. The also utilize their Twitter to keep followers abreast of current legal affairs within the entertainment industry. For example, one of their most recent tweets is about Tim McGraw's current legal troubles- informing readers that Tim is being sued by his former record label for copyright infringement and breach of contract.
The ABA-IPL Section is also very involved in legal advocacy. They often file Amicus briefs or Comments to cases to support various legal positions in landmark intellectual property law cases. The ABA-ILP Section's amicus briefs and comments greatly affect the industry, as they are used to help persuade Justices in making opinions on landmark cases. The also utilize their Twitter to keep followers abreast of current legal affairs within the entertainment industry. For example, one of their most recent tweets is about Tim McGraw's current legal troubles- informing readers that Tim is being sued by his former record label for copyright infringement and breach of contract.
The ABA-IPL Section's website is full of resources not only for their attorney members, but for law students, Pro Bono attorneys, young lawyers, and the public at large! They also have a job board, a magazine, various committees, and a diversity plan. Another one of their functions is the publication and sponsorship of professional legal books. These books have come to be a go-to resource for many entertainment law topics within the industry, and are held in high esteem by attorneys and clients alike.
In conclusion, the ABA-ILP Section is, in my opinion, one of the most influential professional organizations on the Entertainment Law Industry.
Thanks, Blair. This is useful information for entertainment entrepreneurs. I'm going to bookmark it and keep up with its updates related to my industry.