How could you be so heartless? Baby Kimye: KRIS is legally the father?!

3:44 PM

Recently, reports have surfaced that since Kris Humphries is still married to Kim Kardashian, he may be legally viewed as the father of her baby, and can possibly ask for custody. These reports are based on the fact that, under California law, the husband of a married woman is presumed to be the father of any children she may have while still legally in the marriage.  However, Kanye shouldn't really be alarmed by this little legal caveat! This law is said to be intended to preserve the states interest in maintaining solid marital relationships, as well as to protect children and men who have raised a child as their own while married to the mother of said child, not to protect celebrity husbands who have been done wrong while in the public spotlight.

For example, Brittany marries Jerry. Brittany has an affair, and ends up pregnant by Clyde. She does not disclose to anyone who the actual father of her baby may be, or her indiscretions. Jerry raises the child as his own and is, for all reasonable purposes, has always been seen as the father of the child. California, like many other states, has laws in place to protect fathers like Jerry. However, if it can be shown with “clear and convincing evidence” (usually in the form of a DNA test) that Jerry is NOT the father, this presumption can be rebutted, and Clyde can then ask for custody of his child.

In Kimye/Kris love triangle, Kris COULD technically ask for custody, if he wanted to stir up some drama, but there would be no real point. Since Kim’s divorce proceedings began long before her pregnancy and relationship with Kanye, she would be able to easily provide TONS clear and convincing evidence that he is in no way the father. On the flip side, why would Kris even want to pay child support for a child he knows is not his? One can only imagine how Kayne would take to Twitter, as well as the stage, to rant about this situation.  This is one hypothetical battle that Kris Humphries would NEVER want to fight.